The Society is governed by a Board of Trustees who have the responsibility for the overall strategic direction, governance and management of the Society which is a registered charity No. 1091429. The only exceptions are the Patron, President, Vice-President, Journal Editor and Webmaster who are not trustees of the Society.
Patron | His Majesty The King |
President | Julia Stafford Allen |
Vice-President | Patrick Lines |
Chairman | Len Finch |
Vice-Chairman | Simon White |
General Secretary | Lesley Webdale |
Treasurer | Susan Cranmer |
Assistant Secretary | Vacant |
Show Co-ordinator, Spring & Autumn Shows | Tricia Loades |
Show Co-ordinator, Summer Show | Malcolm Stelfox |
Floral Art Co-Ordinator | Gloria Goodley |
Large Gardens Representative | Simon Gaches, MCIHort |
Committee Member | Vacant |
Journal Editor | John Knowles |
Webmaster | Max d’Ayala |