
We are a friendly horticultural society with around 300 members and many affiliated societies and groups from across the county of Norfolk & further afield. Our members range from farmers, professional horticulturists, allotment holders and flower arrangers to active gardeners and not-so-active gardeners who enjoy seeing a colourful display outside their windows and visiting other people’s gardens.

Gardening for Everyone

In April 2019 we launched a new mission – “Gardening for Everyone” . We all know that gardening is good for us and has major benefits:

  • Improves self esteem
  • Reduces Stress
  • Good for Heart health
  • Better quality sleep
  • Improves hand and overall strength
  • Sense of community
  • Home grown Fruit and Vegetables

There are many more benefits we could list. Our goal with our Gardening for Everyone initiative is to make everyone in the community aware of the opportunities and organisations in Norfolk and beyond.

Norfolk and Norwich Horticultural Society
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