Our events are open to our members and their guests, unless otherwise stated.


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Ajay Tegla, Conservalionist and Wildlife TV Presenter Talk ‘The Unique Life of a Wetlands Ranger’

Reepham Town Hall, Back Street, Reepham, Reepham Town Hall, Reepham

REEPHAM GARDEN CLUB Tuesday, September 17th 2024 – 19:15 REEPHAM TOWN HALL Open to all, this talk ‘The Unique Life of a Ranger’ is one not to be missed. Featuring wildlife presenter, conservationist, countryside ranger, naturalist and author AJAY TELGALA Ajay presents BBC Two’s groundbreaking documentary Inside the Bat Cave alongside Lucy Cooke, which showcases […]


October Monthly Meeting

Diss United Reform Church Mere Street, Diss

This month Rosemary Ward comes to talk on ‘Snowdrops and other Winter Plants’ All Welcome, entry members free Visitors £2.00

October meeting of The Blofield & District Gardening Club

The Margaret Harker Hall, Yarmouth Rd, Blofield Yarmouth Road, Blofield, United Kingdom

We are pleased to welcome Jenny Gibbs along to our monthly evening meeting on Wednesday, 9th October, 2024. She will be discussing “Natural remedies in Turkey”.  Guests will be very welcome (£2:50 fee). The members’ competition will be “a stem of a berried shrub”.

Simon Partridge, Director of How Hill Trust, Ludham – ‘The How Hill Trust and Gardens’

Reepham Town Hall, Back Street, Reepham, Reepham Town Hall, Reepham

REEPHAM GARDENING CLUB REEPHAM TOWN HALL Tuesday 15th October @ 7.30pm – 9.00pm This talk is open to all and features our old favourite Simon Partridge, Director of How Hill Trust, Ludham. His last excellent talk to us was in 2017 (how time flies!) and is coming back to update us on what has been […]


Shipdham Garden Club – talk by Andrew Sankey on The Gardens of Minnesota

WI Hall Shipdham High Street, Shipdham, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom

This month we will be pleased to welcome Andrew Sankey who will talk to us about the Land of ten thousand Lakes – the Gardens of Minnesota. Free to members.  Visitors welcome, £3 per person including tea/coffee & biscuits.


Late Autumn Show

St Faiths Centre Horsham St Faith, Norwich, Norfolk

Our final show for 2024 will be our Late Autumn Show featuring Chrysanthemums, vegetables, fruit, cut flowers, pot plants, cookery and floral art. Entry is open to all, see our Shows page for details. Free admission.


Showing Fruit

St Faiths Centre Horsham St Faith, Norwich, Norfolk

On the afternoon of our late autumn show, Phill Webdale will talk to us about growing fruit and giving some tips on exhibiting them successfully. Open to all, no pre-booking required.

November meeting of The Blofield & District Gardening Club

The Margaret Harker Hall, Yarmouth Rd, Blofield Yarmouth Road, Blofield, United Kingdom

“Colour in the Garden” is the title of the presentation to be given by Andrew Sankey at the 13th November meeting of the club.  Guests will be very welcome (£2:50 fee). The members’ competition title is “A table decoration to include a candle”. This is the last club meeting of the year.  The next meeting […]

Norfolk Garden Scheme in Norfolk and Coutrywide Initiatives

Reepham Town Hall, Back Street, Reepham, Reepham Town Hall, Reepham

REEPHAM GARDEN CLUB Our next speaker on 19th November is Juliet Collier, Norfolk Booklet Co-ordinator of the National Garden Scheme who will give us talk on the National Garden Scheme in Norfolk and Countrywide Initiatives. We meet at Reepham Town Hall at 7.15pm on the third Tuesday of the month and don’t forget our meetings […]


A to Z of Bulbs (& sale of bulbs) – Presentation by Johnny Walkers

Holme Hale Pavilion School Road, Holme Hale

Over the years our club has had several speakers who have been multiple Chelsea Flower Show gold medal winners, but our speaker at November’s monthly meeting has won an amazing 29 gold medals at the Chelsea Flower show, of which the last 25 were consecutive. Johnny Walkers started exhibiting his daffodils at Chelsea in 1986 in […]
