Our events are open to our members and their guests, unless otherwise stated.


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Companion Planting for a Balanced Garden

Holme Hale Pavilion School Road, Holme Hale

At our March meeting well known speaker Dr Ian Bedford, formerly of the John Innes Institute, will explain the concepts of Companion Planting and whether we can expect to see results when it’s used. Besides using plants to help other plants, many plants are also reported to have properties that can either attract or repel […]


“Twelve Tremendous Trees” talk by Gwenda Kyd for Norfolk & Norwich Horticultural Society

The Costessey Centre Longwater Lane, Costessey

Norfolk & Norwich Horticultural Society look forward to welcoming Gwenda Kyd, scientist and complementary medicine practitioner, to The Costessey Centre for a talk titled “Twelve Tremendous Trees”. Gwenda says “More than any other plants, trees are intricately linked to us.  Our use of trees spans every aspect of our lives, from providing interest to the […]

Get Tickets £5.00 45 tickets left

English Peonies – a talk by Sarah Hammond

The Margaret Harker Hall, Yarmouth Rd, Blofield Yarmouth Road, Blofield, United Kingdom

Come along to hear Sarah Hammond talk to the Blofield & District Gardening Club about English Peonies.  Meetings are held at The Margaret Harker Hall, Yarmouth Road, Blofield.  The members’ competition is “a stem of a flowering shrub”.  Guests welcome £2:50.

Flower arranging using flowers and foliage from the garden with Jenni Baker

The Margaret Harker Hall, Yarmouth Rd, Blofield Yarmouth Road, Blofield, United Kingdom

Come along to hear Jenni Baker talk to the Blofield & District Gardening Club about Flower arranging using Flowers and Foliage from the Garden .  Meetings are held at The Margaret Harker Hall, Yarmouth Road, Blofield.  The members’ competition is “a posy of garden flowers”.  Guests welcome £2:50.

Jewels in the Clouds – alpines in gardens and in the wild

The Margaret Harker Hall, Yarmouth Rd, Blofield Yarmouth Road, Blofield, United Kingdom

Come along to hear Rosemary Ward talk to the Blofield & District Gardening Club about Jewels in the Clouds – alpines in gardens and in the wild.  Meetings are held at The Margaret Harker Hall, Yarmouth Road, Blofield.  The members’ competition is “An alpine in a pot”.  Guests welcome £2:50.